First Visit

Welcome! The initial appointment in our office lasts approximately 40 minutes. This exam is complimentary, along with the panoramic x-ray which is often taken, unless you have a recent image from your dentist.


  • Please complete our online, digital patient health history form (new patient form)!
  • Please advise if a panoramic x-ray has been taken within the past six months.
  • If you have orthodontic insurance, bring your insurance card. By providing this information at the first visit, we will be able to give you an estimate of your costs.

The purpose of the initial examination is to determine:

  • What is your main concern or goals for orthodontic treatment?
  • What sort of problem is present, if any?
  • Is treatment necessary?
  • When is the proper time to begin treatment?
  • What type of treatment is indicated?
  • What treatment options are available?
  • How long will treatment take?
  • How much will the treatment cost?

What’s Next?

If orthodontic treatment is indicated at this time, an appointment for Diagnostic Records is scheduled. If time allows, these diagnostic records can be taken at the initial exam.

What are Diagnostic Records?

  • Study models of your teeth.
  • Panoramic and cephalogram radiographs and tracings.
  • Doctor’s studying the diagnostic records and determining the best course of treatment.

What is the cost of the treatment?

The cost of treatment depends upon the severity of the patient’s problem. Our treatment coordinator will discuss fees and payment options during the initial exam, if treatment is required. We have different payment plans to suit your budget and accept assignment from most insurance plans. We work hard to make orthodontics affordable.

What does my investment include?

Your investment includes:

  • Orthodontic records, which consists of x-rays, study models, and digital photos.
  • Active treatment with braces or Invisalign includes all appliances, office visits, and procedures performed in the office. Appliances are durable and should last through the entire treatment period if the patient follows instructions.
  • One set of final retainers is provided upon completion of treatment. There is a replacement fee for each additional retainer that is lost or broken.

What doesn’t my investment include?

  • Work performed at dental offices outside our orthodontic practice.
  • If an accident or injury occurs during treatment which results in TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular-Joint) complications, additional orthodontics, orthognathic surgery, etc, a fee adjustment may be required to complete treatment under these unusual circumstances.

Assignment of Insurance Benefits

We accept assignment of benefits for most insurance plans. By doing this, the family’s out-of-pocket expense is substantially lower. If we do not accept assignment of benefits from your plan, we will be happy to file claims so that the insured can be reimbursed directly. Should there be any change in your policy prior to full payment of the insurance benefit, please contact our office immediately so adjustments may be made to your contract.